Lion head Logo – Free Download now!

LOGO AUTHOR : LogoInstant
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There are lion logos, but this one is THE lion head logo!

I am really proud of this lion head logo. Playing with negative spaces and shapes drove me crazy until I ended up with this one.
No, I don’t need to hide it, this logo earned its spot in our featured list of free logos.
To me, the resulting vector lion head inspires prestige and refinement. I called it infurious and associated a generic field (Consulting), it could have been services or something else, but effectively it can be anything if you are looking for an animal based logo.

The base lion design could also be used for gaming for instance of for sports as a lion mascot.

There is also a light version of this logo that in my opinion, is also a good fit for a white theme…

This is for instance how the lion logo looks in its light declination

vector lion logo -

Premium logo easy to customize

The logo head logo comes in fully layered PSD and vector files and you could easily customize it to your own needs. You can change the texts to match your industry.

We will soon be posting the tutorial for this logo, so stay tuned and check the tutorial page regularly if you want to grow your skills.

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