Although we don’t wish to be overly formal, please read the following notice carefully before using all accessed materials from this website.
By downloading any materials from this web site you are indicating your agreement to these Terms of Use and Disclaimer :
Terms Of Use
All logos are free to use for both personal and business uses provided attribution is given to LogoInstant.
If used online, attribution must be given in the form of a link back to the LogoInstant website. If use in print media, LogoInstant must be printed on the publication. The placement of the attribution is at your discretion.
You are authorized to download and use the logo designs accessed from this website, make any modifications to the them and use them for your own or your clients purposes in any media (such as websites, printing materials etc)
You may not claim copyright to any logo designs you download from this website even after you have performed modifications on it. All intellectual rights to the all design materials on this website are held by
You may not place any of our logo designs, on a diskette, CD, website or any other medium and offer them for redistribution or resale of any kind without prior written consent from LogoInstant.
Futhermore, you may not include/bundle our logo designs within your products and sell those products UNLESS all images and design objects are replaced and the design looks drastically different from the original one.
We may add to, change or remove any part of these Terms of Use and Disclaimer at any time, without notice
All free logo designs on have been designed by LogoInstant team and doesn’t reflect any firm or company, if it exist (for the designs or logo names) then it’s just a coincidence.
We take no responsibility for the way you use the designs (graphics and logo names) provided on this site. We are not reponsible for any damages of any kind arising (if any) that can happen when you use or modify it.
All these logo names just for references, and this names doesn’t reflect any firm or company. If it exist then it’s just a coincidence