Electronic music DJ Logo
Music Set is a vibrant DJ logo with an equalizer design and prominent bold font. The clever use of subtle audio elements in the logo creates a strong raving visual and an electronic music aspect.
This design is perfect for a disc-jockey branding or music producer brand. It also could be used as an icon for parties, contests etc.
A cool electronic music branding that is easy to customize
We made it dead simple to customize this logo and make it your very own. We provide PSD and Adobe Illustrator AI vector files for this one. We went for a light design but you might want to try its negative version on a black or colored background.
As always, this free DJ logo design comes fully layered and uses common free fonts.
Other free music logos available
If you are interested in a variation of an equalizer based logo check out spectrum and other free designs here at white-mosquito-955940.hostingersite.com